More webcams and more ADSB

How about more webcams for NZ pilots to tap into?

AOPA NZ would like to develop our webcam network we currently make available on the public side of our Website. These are being used extensively by members as well as also by many other organisations including Rescue Helicopter operators.

How can you help?
These expansion plans are being lead by AOPA NZ. If you have a good suggestion of a site, have a suitable site or have an excellent internet supplier who supplies internet from an elevated site, please let us know. Email Murray Patterson.

Let’s get more ADSB in the system!

It would be an advantage to have ADSB receivers down to ground level.

AOPA NZ has started working with NZAF to assist to extend coverage to a lower level throughout NZ. The funding is coming by way of the Road User Tax on motor spirit being returned to industry. These are early days but AOPA NZ is working on the first areas to get improved coverage.

Watch this space