AOPA NZ Webcams

Welcome to AOPA NZ Webcams.

This site collates New Zealand webcams so pilots can view the sky across the country. This allows for near real time weather appraisals to aid in flight planning.

Please note: Use these webcam images as a guide only. Always check normal weather reports and forecasts pre-flight. Many of the cameras have a time stamp. Please confirm that the images you are viewing are recent.

Use the menu above to find the area of New Zealand you are interested in, and then find the webcam you are looking for.

The webcams are arranged into five areas. If you want the browser on your device to start on any of the pages navigate to that page and save the full URL to desktop or quick link icon.

We are always looking for reliable date stamped cameras to add to our list in areas we do have existing cameras. Your suggestions are welcome.

Please report any issues you have to