On this page, you’ll find all the information you need about joining AOPA NZ, including benefits of membership, how to apply, and who to contact for more information. Full membership is $120 per annum and an additional family member (living at the same address) can be added for just $20 per annum. This charge can be easily fully offset by the many member benefits we offer.
Membership benefits
We’ve worked hard to create a package of benefits for AOPA NZ members, so that regardless of the level of involvement you choose, you can make the most of your membership. Click on each of the listed benefits to see more detail.

We want to keep private and recreational aviation accessible to all by advocating for your right to fly without unnecessary costs and restrictions. AOPA NZ works with the Government and other aviation organisations on behalf of members, with the goal of reducing flying costs and restrictions, and to protect private aviation interests.
Member focussed flying and social activities
AOPA NZ facilitates regular fly-ins and social gatherings. These trips allow members to fly to airstrips not normally available to the general public and to enjoy the company of other passionate aviators.
“Approach” – our quarterly magazine
AOPA NZ produces a quarterly magazine for all members, packed with current news, advocacy updates and other ‘flying in NZ’ info. It is the focus for reports on social events and stories, and articles that relate to aircraft ownership and operation.
AVGAS special pricing
AOPA NZ members can apply for a Go-Fuel card and receive a fantastic discount off every litre of Avgas sold at Go-Fuel refuelling locations around the country.
Cessna Maintenance Variation Programme
Owners of Cessna aircraft can benefit from subscribing to the AOPA NZ Cessna Maintenance Variation Program. For more information contact the AOPA NZ Administrator.
Aviation security ID cards
AOPA NZ members can obtain an Aviation Security ID card that provides ‘airside’ access to secure airports. Quicker, hassle-free entry and clearance through high security areas. Contact the AOPA administrator Karen Williams find out how to apply or access the AOPA NZ website member section for details once you are a fully paid AOPA NZ member.
Member benefits / special offers
Discounted membership with other aviation affiliations (Recreational Backcountry Pilots Association – RBPA), special negotiated discounts and corporate rates for members at a range of businesses including Z Aviation Fuel, Downunder PILOTSHOP, Avis Car Rentals, Bella Vista Motels, Rembrant Suits and Petroleum Logistics.
IAOPA global membership benefits
AOPA NZ Inc is affiliated to the International Council of AOPA, USA, and they are providing AOPA NZ members a free digital subscription to Flight Training magazine.
Your FREE member benefit includes:
- 24 monthly issues of Flight Training magazine – digital edition;
- Safety and educational resources including interactive online courses, quizzes, videos and seminars to sharpen your pilot skills;
- Discounts on hotels, rental cars, AOPA branded merchandise & more …
Access to AOPA NZ’s member-only website
Our website has a huge amount of information, news and resources available only to AOPA NZ members.
Once your membership has been activated, you’ll have access to:
- Pilot education and training resources
- Member-only news
- Details of member benefits, and access to discounts and other benefits
- Information about fly-ins and other social events
- And many other resources …

Ready to join AOPA NZ?
If you’re ready to join us and enjoy all the benefits an AOPA NZ membership provides, hit the button below and go to our application page.
Or email us at info@aopa.nz for more information